Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 6 Weigh-in

Weekly overview
I had an unusually active week. I went jogging twice, and did Zumba once. Zumba was the most challenging because we didn't take 5 minute breaks between songs. I had planned to do a 5K on Saturday, but I was still so sore that I'm glad the weather was horrid. Even walking it would've been a challenge.

What the numbers mean: In measuring my chest, I measure the upper chest, across the bosom, and then the upper ribcage. I have found this to be a much more accurate assessment of the area, since the bosom number can change drastically depending on which bra is worn. The arm measurement is right across the apex of of the bicep, both relaxed and flexed. I thought it would be fun to see the how the numbers would change in relation to each other as I lose fat and build muscle. Also, I believe my bodyfat scale is being overly optimistic about my percentage of fat. I'm certain it's off by 5-10%. So even though it's inaccurate, it IS measurable. And it's the only scale I've got, so it'll have to do.

Chest     36.5"     44.5"     35.5"
Arm       R12.25"     F13"
Waist     35.5" 
Hip        44.625"
Thigh    26"
Calf       15.25"

#     176#  
%    34%
Lean #     116.2#
Fat #         59.8#

Average steps/day: 7115

Resolution for next week
I was excited to see that I actually lost weight again this week - I wasn't sure if I would. Sure I added in the extreme exercise, but I doubled how much I was eating the last half of the week too. Oh, and the cinnamon almond carnage - whoo!

Now that I've run the calculations, I'm mostly disappointed. I lost .2 of fat, but I lost .4 of lean weight too:((( Now, I have to keep in mind that my scale isn't really telling me the whole story of what's happening inside my body each week, it's most useful for tracking a general trending. But... vigorous exercise does tear down muscle, and it takes a few days before that new improved muscle is built back. I'm no longer convinced that this is the only, or even the best way to build muscle. It will be interesting to see was the numbers say next week, and the week after that:)

I will continue to build on my three habits!

1 - Go to bed on time - get plenty of sleep!

2 - 30 min of non-strenuous, therapeutic exercise daily - physical therapy, gentle yoga, walking

3 - Follow the 4 Golden Rules of Eating
I have been slacking in this area... I've definitely noticed that I've been allowing myself to eat while working or playing on the computer, but it doesn't seem to have led to any overeating.


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