Monday, January 2, 2012

4 Golden Rules of Eating

I heard about this from a program called I Can Make You Thin, by a British hypnotist Paul McKenna. There's no doubt the show was fun to watch, and many of the techniques made me skeptical, but whenever I tried this eating method, I really felt he was on to something that could work for almost everybody.

Here's the skinny:
Rule #4 When you think you are full, stop eating

Here's another concept I found fascinating and worthwhile: a hunger scale. Having the ability to determine how hungry or full you area at any given moment is enormously valuable. Using his idea as a jumping off point I came up with a scale that makes sense to me.

+4 Boated, Tired
+3 Stuffed
+2 Full
+1 Satisfied, Content
0 Neutral
-1 Mild Interest
-2 Hungry
-3 Sharp painful hunger, Irritable
-4 Nausea, Lethargic

The goal is to remain between +2 and -2. This is smart for a whole host of medical reasons too, like avoiding insulin spikes, or digestive stress.

I am adopting the practice of both of these techniques for my diet plan because they both dovetail nicely with my efforts to gently redirect myself onto better path, rather than imposing strict changes that I'll inevitably rebel against.


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