Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Phase 1 - Day 10

Last night was horrible! It was an endless nightmare of ear aches, violent coughing, and other details I don't want to burden my readers with. Suffice it to say, I haven't been this sick in a very very long time, maybe never. And since I couldn't seem to sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time, I wandered the house like a zombie. A pathetic weepy zombie. It totally stressed out the cats.

Not much of an appetite, and this afternoon I developed a touch of nausea. But I am definitely following all of the 4 Golden Rules, almost by default. Really at times like this you aren't eating for pleasure, you're eating for survival.

None for me. Hard to do yoga when you can't breathe. Or lift your arms. Or sit up straight. Or lie flat. I did try to do some gentle stretching for my poor aching body, but not for long as I was exhausted. So all I really did was lie on the sofa, waiting for the inevitable triumph of my immune system. Please, it IS inevitable right?!


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