Sunday, January 1, 2012

Phase 1 - Day 1

What a crazy way to kick off a new year and a new fitness plan! 

My Honey and I went to a New Year's Party and actually made it all the way to midnight to commemorate the moment with a kiss:) Then instead of going home and falling into bed like a sane person, I decided that it was time I put my mental flirtation of a blog into reality. And what better time to start than now?  So, this girl who normally gets into her jammies at 7:30, stayed awake far into the wee hours looking at blog templates and cursing until she figured out how to download/upload it. Crazy New Year's induced inspiration. Suffice it say, we slept in. Or at least My Honey did - I was too excited about my blog to sleep for long.

So did I follow my plan? I'd already broken two of the cardinal rules of the Mission (Go to bed on time, and, Get plenty of Sleep), but I was on a roll! All I needed to do was to eat right and exercise. Woot!

We ordered takeout from Tito's Mexican for breakfast.

I know what you're thinking "Oh no, strike three..."  but actually in my Phase 1 plan, I can eat whatever I want, in reasonable amounts. Like stop eating long before your tummy hates your mouth.

I ate reasonably, multiple times, not overeating, until I was pleasantly satisfied.
And we took a 15 min walk, which was harder than it should have been. I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that we were talking the whole time about what we were proud of having accomplished in 2011. For the record, walking and talking at the same time should be considered a competitor's sport.

Then we watched the premier of The Biggest Loser season 12, which has been piling up in our Hulu account, because I was NOT going to sit another year on the sofa (usually while eating) watching people inspiring me to GET UP OFF THE SOFA.

Morning weight 180.0#

Anyway, my accomplishments listed out may not seem impressive, but they are baby steps and I'm determined to be proud of them!

What did you do today that was different from yesterday?


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