Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Phase 1 - Day 11

This is gonna sound melodramatic, but I feel like I had a near-death experience. That was a really bad cold! In retrospect, I probably should have gone to the emergency room Monday night. I then would've had the luxury of an oxygen feed, anti-asthmatics, and whatever wonder drugs they've developed for colds/flues. But I don't often get sick, and when I do, I have my regimen of OJ and ibuprofen. It never let me down like this before. On second thought, without my OJ and ibuprofen, I might not have made it!!!

What a way to kick off a fitness resolution! I have to be very careful to avoid any distractions or stumbling blocks, or shiny objects, when it comes to meeting my goals. If I get off track for one day, it's usually no problem to regroup. Two days takes more effort. But three days has such momentum in the opposite direction that I have to wait til it comes back into orbit. So I just throw my hands up and go focus on something else to be successful at. It's not even the middle of January, and I have missed 2 solid days and 5 effective days from my plan. Normally by now I'd be onto my next big adventure.

But not this time. This time I have so much clarity and conviction that I'm doing exactly the right thing, right now. This week has only served to reinforced my determination. I see the Big Picture. Is there anything more important that I could be working on than my own health? I can see two distinct futures laid out before me, and I have the power to choose which one to create.

My appetite is still sporadic, and filled with sharp cravings. Must have peanut butter. Must have tomato soup. Must have sweet potatoes and greens! Now I'm craving mushrooms. So far today I've had cheerios mixed with bran flakes and almond milk, quinoa mixed with mexican rice and beans, tomato soup, mixed greens, a turkey sandwich, and peanut butter mixed with honey dry oats and flax.

I did some very gentle stretching, and took a very short walk around the garden. I'm definitely on the mend, but I don't want to push it just yet:) If I sleep well tonight, I will definitely up the intensity tomorrow. Maybe even take a 10 minute walk!

Many thanks to all my wonderful friends who have been checking up on me, and offering to bring me chicken soup! I love you guys!!!


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