Thursday, January 12, 2012

Phase 1 - Day 12

I'm beginning to feel normal again. And normal instead of miserable feels just wonderful! I just wish I could sleep solidly, or had the knack of sleeping in. I need to start going to bed earlier, but I've found myself avoiding bed time... probably because nighttime has been so unpleasant recently.

I didn't record my final meal yesterday, because I'd already posted my update and thought I was done for the day. Then I got another one of those bizarre cravings - I suddenly had to have steak and potatoes. Yeah, I'm not joking. My startled husband asked me if maybe I was pregnant? Those who know me, know I'm not a big meat eater. I've had beef maybe 3 times in the last 15 years, counting last night. So my Honey gamely went to Olive Garden, and ordered steak, garlic mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Plus my usual mushroom ravioli with sundried tomato sauce as insurance. You know what? I ate my steak. And loved it! Well, I ate half. And then I ate the rest for breakfast. My conclusions: either I was resurrected as a carnivore, or I just really needed something that beef has in abundance and now I'll go back to my normal plant-loving self. We shall see...

My normal appetite finally found me, and began to steadily increase around the middle of the day. I did super well following all 4 Golden Rules. Yay! My meals were steak and mushroom pasta, cheerios, craisins, and pizza.

Somehow I went through the whole day looking forward to exercising, and yet I managed to not actually do any. Sure I moved around the house rather than lying on the sofa all day, but that doesn't really count. I think I got obsessed with catching up on all my paperwork and computer stuff. I'm so disappointed! Please let this be a lesson I learn, once and for all!

How many times have you come to a particular realization, before it finally stuck?


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