Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Skinny Alfredo aka Skinny-fredo Sauce

Skinny Alfredo aka Skinny-fredo Sauce
Makes about four servings

I TBS olive oil
1 TBS  butter
Several cloves of garlic ( I often use a whole head), reserving one very small clove for later
Water as needed
Sea salt, and coarse or fresh ground black pepper

1 TBS cornstarch / 2TBS flour
1 CUP almond milk
1 CUP water

2-3 TBS mascarpone
1/4 CUP parmigianno reggiano

Start chopping garlic, you've got a lot to process:) Note: I coarsely chop the garlic. The finer the garlic, the hotter and more pungent the flavor; conversely, the larger it is chopped, the milder and sweeter the resulting flavor will be. 

Put a large pot or pan over medium to medium-low heat. Add butter and oil, and when it is hot add the chopped garlic. Salt and pepper lightly. I also add a spoonful or two of water to keep garlic from burning or browning.

While garlic is softening, mix the cornstarch (or flour) with a couple tablespoons of water. Once cornstarch is dissolved, mix in the rest of the water.

Once the garlic is softened, add the cornstarch water and milk. Now this is where you have to stand over it and stir so it doesn't do the dreaded clumping thing. This would be a good time to add fresh herbs.

Once sauce is thickened, stir in the marscapone and parmigiano reggiano. Salt and pepper to taste. 

One extra tip if you really love garlic, and like it HOT: take that small reserved clove of garlic and smash it with a spoon, butter knife or mortar and pestle. Smash quickly, and dice up any chunks remaining. Time is of the essence as garlic flavors are volatile. Then add this to the sauce for a whole new layer of fresh, sharp garlicky goodness.

Serve over your favorite pasta, or whole grain. I'm currently rather pleased with Kroger's 50% whole wheat, but one of my favorites is Ancient Grains quinoa/corn pasta.

Variation: if I'm cooking just for myself, I like to add in all sorts of goodies like greens! Fresh mushrooms, onions and swiss chard stems get added with the garlic. Tender greens, parsley, and garlic chives get added while the sauce is thickening. A tablespoon of sundried tomato paste, or minced sundried tomatoes is heavenly!


The Domestic Fox said...

Pasta water is also a great thickener - in case you are ever out of corn starch. :D

Heather-Lin said...

I always forget that tip! Thanks for the reminder:) The last time I ran out of cornstarch, I ground up some dry oatmeal and that worked like a charm.

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