Friday, January 13, 2012

Phase 1 - Day 13

Happy Friday the 13th everybody!

I felt so good today!!! Last night was the first night I slept through without having to get up to cough. It was so lovely! I slept close to 9 hours, so that should help with my sleep deficit. And to think, I used to take sleeping through the night for granted!

I've been having these odd bouts of feeling thirsty even though I drink plenty of water. The last time I felt dehydrated, a pharmacist advised me to drink gatorade. Eew, but it worked. I wasn't yet in dire straights so I asked around and researched healthy alternatives online. Turns out gatorade is simply overpriced water, sugar and salt. And scary colors, chemicals and flavorings. So I swallowed a spoonful of raw honey, then made myself a glass of watered down OJ with a sprinkling of sea salt. Within 10 minutes I felt better! My friend Evelyn prescribed me a banana and popcorn, which sounded equally wonderful, but I didn't have any in the house:)

My meals were salad, tomato soup with pumpkin seeds, another salad, curry and (too many) crab rangoons, and more tomato soup.

My old standard YZ#4. I was feeling particularly rusted shut so I did 40 minutes today.

I'm really looking forward to having a fun productive weekend with my Honey. I just hope he doesn't tempt me over to the darkside of total resolution anarchy...


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