Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Phase 1 - Day 24

Woohoo! I feel like I'm getting a bit back on track. 

Cheerios, spaghetti, egg salad sandwich, multigrain tortilla chips, and pizza.

Today I did the full hour of YZ#4.  I really needed it! Man my back was grouchy, AND my rib popped back into place!  It felt odd, but not scary. 

When I had that cold a couple of weeks ago, I coughed so hard I had back spasms. Once I started to get better and resumed  my yoga, I noticed that one side of my ribcage felt especially tight, and when I tried to breathe into that area, there was a spot that just felt like a pinch. So I've been gentle and patient, and just observed if there was any improvement. Other areas have been loosening up, which actually seem to magnify the tightness of the ribcage spot. Of course I only really felt it when I was stretching over to the side. 

Well, my patience paid off! Near the end of my yoga practice doing the spinal twist, I had the urge to do a morning stretch instead... You know, the intense kind you have when you first wake up, and it feels so awesome. Well as I was groaning and flailing on the floor, all sort of little pops, creaks and readjustment were happening all over. Then as I hunched up my shoulders and rolled over, this marvelous little release happened in the ribcage! And I could breathe freely on that side! Ahhhhhh. It's times like this I'm SO glad I do yoga at home and not in a class setting:)

So walking is great, and does allow me to work through stress, even little aches and pains. But, there is such a drastic difference when I do yoga vs anything else. I'm so grateful my teacher taught me how to practice without being competitive and pushing myself - I'm FINALLY starting to get it!


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