Sunday, January 15, 2012

Phase 1 - Day 15

I feel quite a bit better today! But I really need to not overdo it again. I have a plan to alternate active chores with a sedentary project.

This morning was my weigh-in, and I was pretty excited to see that I didn't gain any weight! Especially considering I've been a total slug while getting over this cold.

We watched Biggest Loser season 11 episode 3. We had planned to watch BL every Sunday to commemorate a week's worth of work, and to renew our commitments for the following week. Except, this season is so boring! Maybe I simply miss Jillian... Nah, its just meh. Normally after watching BL, I'm pumped to go out and run a race or climb a mountain or jump of a cliff. Good thing I'm NOT relying on them to supply my motivation this time around.

I'm bored with what's in my pantry; I need to go shopping! Which means I need to develop a menu and such. In the meantime, today's meals were a PB and banana sandwich, curry and quinoa, mac and cheese, and pizza.

Oh, I had the BEST workout today! I finally did yoga a whole hour and then some. Oh it was rapturous. I haven't felt this good since I got the massage. Per usual I cued my fav yoga program, but when we reached the halfway mark signaling the beginning of the strength and conditioning portion, I either did a modified version of what they were doing, or substituted positions that my body was telling me it wanted. Kinda like the 2nd Golden Rule where you honor your cravings. Well my body was craving more time devoted to my spinal flexibility. No complicated pretzel positions for me - what this meant was hugging my knees to my chest and rolling around like a roly-poly bug, while breathing. Good stuff! Then, for the first time since returning to yoga, I finished my practice with shavasana. Oh Heaven... I remember my first and greatest yoga instructor Bonnie once told me that the two most fundamental poses in yoga are tadasana and shavasana. Sound complicated? They are! They are standing up straight, and relaxing completely. Tricky stuff:)


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